ספרות ומאמרים מקצועיים



יובל קרניאל, עמית לביא-דינור 2022


אפשר להסביר את חדירת הפייק ניוז לנוכח שינויים טכנולוגיים, כלכליים, מקצועיים, כמו גם לנוכח כניסתן של רשתות המידע והרשתות החבריות, אבל עיקר השינוי הוא שינוי חברתי, פוליטי, תרבותי וערכי. חוסר האמון בתקשורת ובפוליטיקה הוא חוסר אמון בערכים: ערכים ליברליים, הומניסטיים, המבוססים על נאורות וזכויות האדם. ערכים אלו הולכים ונחלשים בעולם כולו – גם בישראל. באמצעות ניתוח של טקסטים פופולריים ושל התנהלותה של החברה הישראלית בעת המשבר הפוליטי והבריאותי של השנים האחרונות חושפים המחברים את ההיקף, המשמעות והעומק של התופעה.

            Yuval Karniel & Amit Lavie Dinur (2015)

Privacy and Fame: How We Expose Ourselves across Media Platforms uses Israel as a case study to examine the changes in perceptions, expectations, and actual behavior concerning privacy and privacy exposure to better understand the various ways individuals negotiate the boundaries between private and public self across different media platforms. Yuval Karniel and Amit Lavie-Dinur examine the relationship between social norms concerning privacy and the development of new media technologies, so as to examine how traditional conceptions of privacy have altered. It is through an analysis of new media technologies and the application of a unique privacy typology that this book aims to trace the evolution of the concept of privacy and to examine the different ways individuals engage in privacy exposure. This book treats privacy-loss as a feature of modern society that needs to be better understood, examined, and analyzed.

                 2010 יובל יועז                                      

“במשך דקות ארוכות קרא קצב את המכתב שכתבה לו א2, שהעתק ממנו הביא לעימות, והטיח ב-א2 שאלות שונות: “אם אנסתי אותך, איך את מסבירה את המכתב? כך כותבת נאנסת למי שאנס אותה?´ שאל אותה, ´ואיך את מסבירה שהתקשרת לספר לי שילדת ילד? איך את מסבירה שרצית לבוא לעבוד איתי? מדוע עלית לחדרי במלון ולא נשארת לחכות לי בלובי?´ במהלך ההתפרצויות הללו, בעוד סגלוביץ מנסה להסות את קצב ולהשתלט מחדש על הדיון, א2 ישבה דוממת ולא השיבה לשאלות. א2 תיארה, לבקשתו של סגלוביץ, את שני אירועי האונס שעברה לדבריה… בעת שדיברה אמר לה קצב: ´את משקרת, לא היו דברים מעולם´. האם נשיא המדינה לשעבר משה קצב הוא אנס ומטריד סדרתי של עובדות הכפופות לו, כפי שטוענות המתלוננות נגדו, או שהוא אדם הגון, פוליטיקאי ומעסיק אבהי, שנרדף על לא עוול בכפו, כפי שטוען הוא עצמו? והאם היועץ המשפטי לממשלה, מני מזוז, ועמו הפרקליטות כולה פעלו כיאות בניהול הפרשה, משלב החדשות הראשונים נגד הנשיא ועד למשפט עצמו? בתחקיר מקיף ומעמיק, בסיוע ראיונות אישיים חושפניים עם המעורבים בפרשה וגם מסמכים חסויים, עדויות, חומרי החקירה המשטרתית וכתבים מבית המשפט, פורש יובל יועז את פרשת האשמת נשיא המדינה בעבירות מין- לפרטי פרטיה. בשיתוף מגוון של דמויות משנה- עורכי הדין של הנשיא, עוזרים ועוזרות בלשכת נשיא המדינה, חוקרי משטרה והיועץ המשפטי לממשלה – מצייר יועז דרמה משפטית מאלפת וטרגדיה אנושית מטרידה. יובל יועז, הכתב והפרשן המשפטי של העיתון “גלובס”, בעל תואר שני במשפטים, עיתונאי ותיק ועורך דין. סיקר בשנים האחרונות בהתמדה, בעיתונים “הארץ” ו”ידיעות אחרונות”, את הפרשות המרכזיות של מערכת המשפט בישראל.

יובל קרניאל, 2003

מטרתו של הספר היא להציג את הדין המסדיר את פעולת התקשורת המסחרית בישראל, את הדינים החלים על הפרסום המסחרי, המממן העיקרי שלה, ולבחון את השיקולים, האינטרסים והערכים העומדים ביסודם. האם הם תואמים את ההתפתחויות החברתיות, הטכנולוגיות והכלליות, והאם הם משרתים נכונה את ציבור הלקוחות והצרכנים ואת האינטרס הציבורי בחברה דמוקרטית.

מבין הנושאים הנסקרים בספר – רישוי כלי תקשורת, מכרזים וזיכיונות, בעלות על אמצעי תקשורת (לרבות כללי הבעלות הצולבת), עקרונות התחרות בתחום התקשורת, מכסות ההפקה המקומית, איסורי פרסום וכללי אתיקה של התקשורת המסחרית, שידורי כבלים, לוויין, האינטרנט ועוד.

כן נסקרים בספר הנושאים של חופש הביטוי בפרסומת (המצב הקיים והצעת מודל חדש למולו), וסוגיות הכרוכות בפרסום המסחרי (פרסומים כוזבים ושקריים, פרסום הנוגע למוצרים ושירותים מזיקים או שנויים במחלוקת, פרסום הפוגע בטעם הטוב וברגשות הציבור, פרסום לקטינים ולאוכלוסיות חלשות, רמיזות מיניות, פגיעה בפרטיות, ועוד).

יובל קרניאל, 2001

האם יש הצדקה לקיומה של עבירה פלילית של הפרת אמונים בתאגיד? ספר זה עוסק בשאלה זו, בהפרת אמונים של נושאי משרה בתאגיד, והוא עיבוד של החיבור שכתבתי לשם קבלת תואר דוקטור למשפטים מהאוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים. לידתו של המחקר, שערך שבע שנים, היא בשנת 1989, עת נטלתי חלק בסמינריון שעסק ב”ניגודי עניינים” בהדרכתו של פרופ אהרון יורן ז”ל. בעידודו של פרופ יורן לקחתי על עצמי לכתוב עבודה בנושא “חובות אמון של דירקטורים באשכול חברות ותוצאות הפרתן של חובות אלה בדין הפלילי”. עבודה סמינריונית זו היוותה את הגרעין לצמיחתו של המחקר. עולם המשפט מקיים הבחנה חשובה ויסודית בין המשפט האזרחי, שאליו שייכים דיני התאגידים, לבין המשפט הפלילי. עם זאת לא תמיד ברור וידוע מתי הפרת חובה מתחום המשפט האזרחי ודיני התאגידים עשויה להוות גם עבירה פלילית. השאלה חשובה במיוחד כאשר עיסוקנו הוא בחובה המרכזית של דיני התאגידים: חובת האמונים שחב נושא המשרה לחברה. מתוך ההקדמה לספר.



Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Israeli Television: Global Contexts, Local Visions
מוציא לאור
Reality TV shows are some of the most-watched programs on television. These shows, which rely on the candid exposure of the private lives of individuals, challenge traditional expectations of privacy and lead many to claim that privacy has passed away or is at least dying (Ahituv, 2002; Whitaker, 1999). Such programs transmit important messages to viewers regarding the value of privacy, acceptable degrees of exposure, and the socially appropriate boundaries between the private and public sphere (Lavie-Dinur and Karniel, 2008). This is exemplified in the international success of the Big Brother reality program, which has quickly caught on in Israel. The program features a group of strangers who are voluntarily placed under 24-hour surveillance, thus forfeiting their privacy for a chance at fame and success. As one of the first reality shows in Israel, the Big Brother program’s success poses interesting questions with regards to changing perceptions of privacy in the Israeli context. As a collective society that emphasizes the importance of community, and emotional and material sharing, Israeli culture is slowly adopting more

גזענות, תקשורת ולשון הרע – האם מותר לומר על גזען שהוא “נאצי״?

המאמר מציג את המסגרת המשפטית הכללית לטיפול בתופעה של דברי גזענות והגינוי שלהם. מסגרת זו כוללת את החוק הפלילי האוסר הסתה לגזענות, את הקוד האתי של מועצת העיתונות המוסיף על כך ואת חוק איסור לשון הרע. לאחר מכן, מחבר המאמר בוחן את המצב המשפטי ואת יישום הוראות חוק איסור לשון הרע על דברי הגזענות עצמם ועל ביטויי הגינוי והביקורת על דברי הגזענות. נוסף על כך, המחבר סוקר את גישתם של בתי המשפט לתופעה של תביעת לשון הרע נגד המבקרים את הגזען; לדידו, נראה כי עדיין לא גובשה עמדה אחידה בנושא, וייתכן שמי שיזכה בסופו של היום לסעד ולפיצוי יהיה דווקא הדובר הגזען. לבסוף, מציע המחבר הצעה לפרשנות חוק איסור לשון הרע במטרה להתמודד עם התופעה הנסקרת ולאפשר למבקרים של דברי הגזענות חופש ביטוי של ממש והגנה מפני תביעות לשון הרע של הדובר הגזען.

Amit Lavie-Dinur, Moran Yarchi, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Media, War & Conflict
מוציא לאור
SAGE Publications
Based on the authors’ understanding regarding the effect of ethnocentric coverage, on one hand, and the tendency of the media to cover female perpetrators differently, on the other, the current study aimed to examine how leading Israeli news websites (N = 1,832) covered female versus male perpetrators during the October 2015 wave of violence. Their goal was to examine if differences between the coverage of female and male perpetrators exist, or if all perpetrators are grouped together and depicted as a single common enemy. In other words, they sought to understand the intersection of two journalistic tendencies: (1) does the ethnocentric frame hold consistently, or (2) do gender considerations overpower the consistent ethnocentric frame? Findings indicate that there were significant differences in how male and female perpetrators were covered by the media. Articles regarding female perpetrators included …
Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Advertising & Society Quarterly
מוציא לאור
Advertising Educational Foundation
Researchers have argued that advertisers use the public’s values and conventional beliefs in their own interests, which allows us to learn about the dominant values in a society from its advertisements. In this article, we analyze the change in values reflected in Israeli television commercials between 2012 and 2016, and uncover messages that advertisers did not necessarily intend to convey. The analysis of the commercials in this study reveals how advertising has dealt with major changes in Israeli society. On the one hand, television commercials represented Israeli social values that appeared to have the intention of creating a positive feeling in the members of the target audience, such as a sense of home, familiarity, and belonging. In many cases, advertisers based their advertisements on family values, empathy, trust, and a pleasant aesthetic environment. But, at the same time, opposite messages were also …
Amit Lavie-Dinur, Moran Yarchi, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
The Journal of International Communication
מוציא לאור
In the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict reflected in the wave of lone wolf terror attacks during October 2015 (and following months), the attacks were presented by the three leading Israeli news site media outlets (Ha’aretz, Ynet and Walla). The online newspapers represent different approaches – however they are still considered major Israeli media outlets. This study focused on whether they share the same narrative with one national consensus or differences exist. The findings suggest there is certain uniformity but it is partial and limited. The differences raise ethical questions and expose the inability of the media to be objective and balanced. The media does not fulfil its mission to be professional and it reflects the worldview of its owners, editors, journalists and audience. We found the coverage influenced by the ideology and political bias of the media outlet and did not conscript on behalf of a national …
Tal Samuel-Azran, Yair Galily, Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Global Media Journal-German Edition
Various voices assert that the sport-politics nexus that characterized international sport events during the Cold War era is irrelevant in the current age of globalization. This study examines the validity of this argument via a case study of Jewish-Israelis’ fandom tendencies during the 2014 World Cup. A survey conducted during the World Cup games among a representative sample of the Jewish-Israeli population revealed that the Dutch team, whose popularity in Israel has been attributed to the Netherland’s perceived support of Jews during the Holocaust, was the most supported team. The teams most rooted against were Iran, Germany, and Algeria, indicating the potential role of the Holocaust and contemporary Jewish-Islamic relations on fandom tendencies. To better understand the animosity towards the German team, which is surprising in light of current improved Israel-Germany relations and the strength of the …
Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie Dinur
תאריך פרסום
Global Perspectives on Intercultural Communication
מוציא לאור
Israel is an intriguing and unique case of a Jewish nation state that faces complex challenges emerging from the encounters and communications involving the cultures it contains. The State of Israel was founded as a Jewish state in 1948, after the Jewish Holocaust in Europe, and according to its Basic Laws, Israel is defined as a Jewish, democratic state that is committed to equality and civil rights (Karniel, 2006).
Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie-Dinur, Tal Samuel Azran
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Media, War & Conflict
מוציא לאור
SAGE Publications
This article explores whether national political agendas influenced the content of domestic and foreign television news media coverage of the 2011 Israel–Hamas Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange deal. The deal, which released Israeli soldier Shalit in exchange for 1,027 prisoners, is the largest prisoner exchange agreement in Israeli history for a single live soldier, but the third largest prisoner exchange agreement as a whole. A quantitative content analysis was conducted on 2,162 news reports from five international and national news networks – BBC, CNN, Fox and Israel’s Channels 1 and 2. The findings suggest important differences in the way foreign and national news networks cover controversial political events. Findings reveal that Israeli networks strongly aligned themselves with the government’s position, while the BBC provided the most balanced coverage. Prominent differences were found between the …
Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie-Dinur, Tal Samuel-Azran
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Asian Journal of Communication
מוציא לאור
This paper examines whether or not media coverage is biased by the political orientation of the journalists’ country, specifically illustrated by the 2011 bid for statehood by the Palestinian Authority in the United Nations. This bid represents a symbolic step toward international recognition of a Palestinian state, an important event in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A quantitative analysis was conducted on 1577 news reports from American, European, and Middle Eastern outlets to determine the differences in media coverage of the Palestinian bid for statehood among the channels. The findings suggest that Israeli channels broadcasted a relatively low number of items in which the Palestinian declaration itself was the main theme. The BBC broadcasted a relatively high rate of such items, and offered balanced coverage of both Israeli and Palestinian positions, while coverage by American FOX News channel reflected a …
Tal Samuel-Azran, Yair Galily, Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Media, War & Conflict
מוציא לאור
SAGE Publications
To contribute to analysis of the interplay between sport and politics, this study examines Jewish-Israeli attitudes towards the Iranian football team during the 2014 World Cup tournament. A survey amongst a representative sample of the Jewish-Israeli population reveals that the Iranian team was the least favored team to win the games but, at the same time, young and secular respondents were more likely than other groups to believe that the Iranian team is not controlled by their government. An analysis of Israeli sportscasters’ comments during Iran’s games reveals that the sportscasters regularly referred to the Iranian team as representatives of a terror state. In contrast, an analysis of online mentions of the Iranian team reveals that many of the comments were positive and empathized with Iranian soccer fans. The findings strengthen the notion that sport and politics are fused, but also illuminate that the World Cup …
Tal Samuel-Azran, Yair Galily, Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie-Dinur
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
מוציא לאור
To contribute to analyses of the sport-politics nexus, the study examines Jewish-Israeli attitudes toward the German soccer team and Germany. The analysis reveals that more Israelis root against the German soccer team than support it, despite the team’s impressive achievements. The analysis of attitudes toward Germany surprisingly reveals that the 18–20 age group expressed the strongest animosity towards Germany, which may indicate that Israeli government attempts to instill the Holocaust memory in the young generations perpetuates animosity between young Israelis and Germany. The study strengthens the notion that international sport games represent and extend rather than reduce international tensions.
Y Karniel, A Lavie-Dinur
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism
In this paper, we offer an important preliminary discussion of the recent changes in the Israeli popular culture. We analyze the transformation in representations of the typical and desirable Israeli in Israeli television over time. Focusing on reality and drama shows, our findings demonstrate how the positive presence of Mizrahi characteristics (Israelis who originated from Arab countries in Northern Africa and the Mediterranean) in Israeli television have shown a significant increase, and dominate the various reality shows broadcasts. Based on our analysis, we argue how the image of the Mizrahi Israelis, previously depicted in popular culture as weak, unsavory, and an object of ridicule, has morphed over time into a popular, appealing character that evokes audience identification. The cultural traits of the popular Israeli character have become increasingly aligned with what is identified as Mizrahi Israeliness.
הישראליות החדשה היא מזרחית
A Lavie dinur Y. Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
תרבות, תקשורת, חברה, רב תרבותיות
מוציא לאור
הסתדרות המורים
Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel, Tal Azran
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Journal of Gender Studies
מוציא לאור
The study examined news media coverage of Israeli female political criminals to determine how the media construct and portray women who commit ideological crimes against the state, ultimately to discern what these framing choices suggest about women involved in political crimes. Studies show that the media tend to rely on stereotypical gender frames to portray female criminals and their motivations to the public. These frames depict women perpetrators as motivated to commit political crime for personal reasons as opposed to political reasons, which are often cited for male criminal behavior. The study examined the Israeli news media’s use of stereotypical gender news frames when reporting on three Israeli women who committed ideological crimes against the state. The study compared the coverage of these cases among three Israeli newspapers representing different political affinities. As a country with a …
Tal Samuel-Azran, Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Media, War & Conflict
מוציא לאור
SAGE Publications
Studies of US and UK media reveal that the press adheres to a dichotomous religion-based us/them worldview that portrays Muslims as terrorists but ‘repairs’ the image of Jews and Christians as criminals, creating concerns that the Western media promotes a clash-of-civilizations thinking pattern. To examine whether this pattern is representative of other Western democracies, the authors analyzed Israeli press coverage of Jewish settlers’ attacks against Palestinians (N = 134) and Norwegian press coverage of Anders Breivik’s 2011 attacks (N = 223). Content analysis reveals that the Israeli and Norwegian media labeled all the perpetrators ‘terrorists’, the attacks ‘terror’, and the motivation as ‘ideology’ rather than solely mental. The perpetrators – all subscribing to right-wing ideology – were not vindicated despite being Jewish or Christian. Beyond weakening the clash-of-civilizations notion that terrorism discourse …
Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie-Dinur, Tal Azran
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
International Communication Gazette
מוציא לאור
Sage Publications
Gruesome images of Muammar Gaddafi’s assassination were broadcast on international news networks. The display of such images raises significant questions about the way the media cover an individual’s death; in this case, an individual who was the leader of a United Nations member country and, at the same time, considered by many to be an enemy and a terrorist. The study examined 1,380 images of Gaddafi’s last days, from five international news networks, and found that the Israeli channel displayed the highest number of gruesome images. The article argues that when news networks have a clear political agenda, political considerations may trump adherence to professional ethics.
Tal Samuel-Azran, Yuval Karniel, Amitl Lavie-Dinur
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Television & New Media
מוציא לאור
Sage Publications
This article highlights sport broadcasting as an emergent battlefield of “globalization from above and below” based on analysis of the strained relationship between Al-Jazeera Sport (AJS) and sports fans in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) over subscription fees to the 2010 and 2014 World Cup games. The article illustrates how sports globalization weakened national broadcasters’ bidding power and allowed corporations to turn the World Cup from a free to high-fee event, leaving angry citizens from the MENA region to fend for themselves. A survey of online media illustrates how these angry citizens shared tactics to resist these fees.
Tal Samuel-Azran, Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Media and Translation: An Interdisciplinary Approach
מוציא לאור
Bloomsbury Publishing USA
Al-Jazeera English (AJE) broadcasts of the Arab Spring won major awards in the United States (including the Peabody and the Columbia Journalism awards) and praise from Hillary Clinton, who even told the US Congress that “viewership of Al-Jazeera is going up in the United States because it is real news”(Maher and Corcoran 2011). A recent US-based study (Youmans and Brown 2011) examined whether this “Al-Jazeera moment” was translated into viewers’ openness towards the network. The researchers examined the perception of the same AJE-produced news material when viewers watched the material accompanied by either the CNN logo or the AJE logo. The viewers who viewed the video with the CNN logo ranked it more credible, leading the researchers to conclude that “there remains substantial prejudice against AJE among segments of the American public.” Building on these findings, we studied the extent to which viewing AJE news material devoid of any visible identifiers (“blind assessment”) affects the perceived credibility of these materials. This methodology is borrowed from experiments in marketing studies, where scholars often eliminate brand-name features to understand the “branding effect” on product-purchase decision-making (Acebron and Dopico 2000; Richardson, Dick, and Jain 1994). In this study, this methodology is applied to examine whether viewing AJE material devoid of its conspicuous logo (a decorative representation of the network’s name written using Arabic calligraphy) and other identifying brand elements affects perceptions of the items’ credibility and professionalism, the two main conditions for …
Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Journal of Media Law
מוציא לאור
Criminal trials of public figures, such as those with a human interest angle, have for some time been conducted outside the realm of judges, courts and lawyers. A trial is first held in the public sphere, through media, television, written press, radio and internet. 1 Only months or years later does the matter reach a courtroom as an official proceeding ending with a sentence or acquittal. The public trial, or trial by the public, which is first and foremost held in the public arena by the media, takes place before any determination is made by a court, and at times is of no less importance. The rise of the power of media institutions and the decline in the public’s confidence in the judiciary is the factor responsible for the altered balance of power that exists between the law and the media, 2 which, needless to say, mandates a normative change as well. 3 Trials held in Israel against the former president of Israel, Moshe Katzav …
Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel, Tal Samuel-Azran
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
מוציא לאור
The study examined media coverage of Israeli citizens convicted of committing political crimes against the state in order to determine how the media portrays such perpetrators, ultimately to discern what these framing choices suggest about citizens involved in political crimes. In contrast to external acts of political crime for which the explanation provided by the media is clear, mainly that the perpetrator, “the other,” is evil and acting against “us,” this study found that when the perpetrator is “one of us” there is a profound need in the media to find a multidimensional explanation for the act. This study found that the Israeli media applies a personalized news frame to portray each of “our” criminals differently and explain their motivations to the public.
Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
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Critical Studies in Television
מוציא לאור
Sage Publications
With the rise of reality TV, media studies has broadened its scope to focus on the emergence of new representations and stereotypes. In featuring ordinary people in ‘unscripted’situations, such shows resonate deeply with current ideas of identity and social relations. 1 Susan Murray and Laurie Ouellette claim that reality TV has significantly contributed to diversity on television, 2 as many of these programmes offer more representations of women and ethnic minorities than most others on broadcast television. 3 Yet, while some studies illustrate that the appearance of women is ubiquitous on reality TV, Ella Shohat and Robert Stam argue that such media representations are often one-dimensional and stereotyped. 4 Adding to such work, this article explores the representation of the Palestinian Arab woman citizen of Israel and how their national identity is negotiated in reality TV shows on Israeli commercial television …
Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
TV’s Betty Goes Global: From Telenovela to International Brand
מוציא לאור
Bloomsbury Publishing
[RCN, 1999–2001]) first appeared on the Israeli cable channel Viva. Esti Ha’mechoeret (hereafter referred to as Ugly Esti) proved one of the most successful TV series ever to air not only on the channel, but also on Israeli television. It was broadcast over three short seasons and consisted of 25 episodes, with Esti’s makeover receiving a 32.6-per-cent share, a record for channel 2. The next phase of Ugly Esti was the spin-off Elvis, Rosenthal,
Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie‐Dinur
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society
מוציא לאור
Emerald Group Publishing Limited


The purpose of the paper is to draw a new map confronting the issue of privacy in the new media age in general, and in the State of Israel in particular.


The paper presents an in‐depth review based on professional literature covering the topics of privacy, new media, social networks, and Israel. The paper considers all citizens of Israel (both Jewish and non‐Jewish), the vast majority (over 80 percent), however, of which are Jewish.


The study has found that even though Israeli social network users may be aware of online privacy issues, their adoption of online sharing and exposure, while partly due to third person effect, is to a great extent a reflection of the Israeli collective ethos which emphasises the importance of community and emotional and material sharing.


The study proposes a new classification of privacy exposures and violations b
Tal Azran, Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
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Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition
To examine the interplay between ethnic bias and source credibility, we designed a blind experiment in which 112 Jewish-Israeli students rate the credibility and professionalism of videos broadcast by CNN, BBC, Fox News, and Al-Jazeera English (AJE) after removing identifying details. We then compared the results to a control group (N= 99) who viewed the videos untouched. Both the experiment and the control group rated AJE’s material significantly lower on credibility and professionalism in comparison to the other networks’ materials. Findings highlight the pervasive ethnocentrism of international news viewership and offer support for the “hostile media perception” theory.
יובל קרניאל
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מוציא לאור
המכון לחקר העיתונות והתקשורת היהודית ע” ש אנדראה וצ’רלס ברונפמן, אוניברסיטת תל אביב
משפטים פליליים של אנשי ציבור בולטים, כמו גם משפטים עם סיפור אנושי מיוחד, אינם נחלתם הבלעדית של השופטים, של בתי המשפט ושל הפרקליטים. המשפט מתנהל קודם כול בזירה הציבורית, באמצעי התקשורת, בטלוויזיה, בעיתונות הכתובה, ברדיו ובאינטרנט (זאב סגל ואח’, 2011). רק לאחר חודשים או אפילו שנים עובר הנושא אל אולמות בתי המשפט והופך להליך משפטי שבסופו פסק דין וגזר דין. המשפט הציבורי או משפט הציבור הנערך בראש ובראשונה במרחב הציבורי של התקשורת קודם להכרעת הדין של השופטים, ובמקרים רבים חשוב לא פחות. עליית כוחו של מוסד התקשורת והירידה באמון הציבור בבתי המשפט (רטנר, 2010; יער ואלקלעי, 2010; אריאן, 2010) הם הגורמים המשנים את מאזן הכוחות בין משפט לתקשורת, ומחייבים גם שינוי נורמטיבי (ברק, 2004, עמי 54-49).
משפטו של נשיא המדינה לשעבר, משה קצב, הוא מקרה בוחן להתנהלות התקשורת ובית המשפט סביב משפט פלילי, תוך התעלמות כמעט מוחלטת מאיסורי הפרסום המוכרים כאיסור הסוב-יודיצה. מקרה זה מאפשר לבחון את הצורך בהמשך קיומו של האיסור, כלומר בשאלה אם אנו עדיין צריכים את …
Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie-Dinur
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
מוציא לאור
The present study aims to gain an understanding of the patterns of representation and appearances of Palestinian citizens of Israel in the genre of reality shows in Israel. This genre has become extremely dominant in the television-broadcasting schedule. The mere fact that Arab people are visually present in TV entertainment, and in reality shows more specifically, should not lead us to conclude that Israeli TV is witnessing a move toward pluralism. It is important to examine the precise mode of representation of the “others.” That is to say: we must look at the visibility of Arab participants in those reality shows in which they appear (research question 1); how Arabs are represented in such programs (research question 2), and at the types of interaction between Arabs and other, Jewish-majority, participants in the program (research question 3). Content analyses were conducted for all reality shows broadcast on Israel’s …
עמית לביא דינור, יובל קרניאל
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מוציא לאור
המכון לחקר העיתונות והתקשורת היהודית ע” ש אנדראה וצ’רלס ברונפמן, אוניברסיטת תל אביב
מבוא הבלונים נעשו בשנים האחרונות אפנתיים בקרב גולשי האינטרנט.” יומני האינטרנט” מעניינים מיליוני גולשים ושינו באורח משמעותי את תפקידה של התקשורת המסורתית ואת השפעתה (פרנקל פארן, 2007). הצגת תוכן כתוב בפני קהל קוראים והפצתו, שהיו נחלתם של בעלי הכוח הפוליטי והכלכלי, עברה לידי ציבור הגולשים הרחב. המונופול של אמצעי התקשורת המסורתיים על קביעת סדר היום הציבורי ועל ההגמוניה הממסדית נשבר, והחל עידן שבו אי אפשר לפקח ולשלוט במידע. מצב זה השפיע על עולם העיתונות ויצר מבנה חדש של עיתונאות אזרחית פרטית ועצמאית. כמעט כל אחד יכול להיות עיתונאי-כל אזרח העולם היודע קרוא וכתוב, שהוא בעל ידע בסיסי במחשבים ובעל מחשב וחשבון אינטרנט, יכול” לדווח” על החדשות ולהגיע לקהלים של מאות, של אלפים ואפילו של מיליוני אנשים.’זהו מהפך במבנה עולם העיתונות המסורתי. הזירה נפתחה לגורמים חדשים ובוטלה השליטה הממסדית, שבה רק אליטה של עורכים ועיתונאים מקצועיים אמונים על העברת המידע. כל אזרח יכול לעצב ולפרש את המידע ללא מנגנון מסנן, מנפה ומאשר. אם בעבר נחשב העיתונאי לשומר הסף ולאחראי בפני …
Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie-Dinur
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Journal of Media and Communication Studies
מוציא לאור
Academic Journals
This article examines the influence of the new ratings culture and multi-channelled reality on the 2006 Knesset elections in Israel. Prior to 2006, the tightly controlled one hour prime time campaign commercial on major television stations was one of the most important factors in Israeli national elections, if not the most important one. The 2006 campaign demonstrated that these commercials no longer have this effect. The increase in talk shows, varied programming during non prime time hours and informal interview styles has made the campaign commercials obsolete.
Yuval Karniel, Stephen Bates
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Alb. LJ Sci. & Tech.
Second Life is a virtual world, 3 similar in design and nature to a sophisticated computer game. Users from all over the world move about in a simulated world, 4 a realm of parallel existence in which they are represented by figures called” avatars.” 5 Participants engage in such activities as shopping, dating, chatting, studying, and even marriage. 6 As in the real world, controversies arise over issues such as fraud, violence, and child pornography. 7
The company behind Second Life, Linden Lab, was founded in 1999 by Phillip Rosedale, the former financial officer of Real Networks.” Investors include Mitch Kapor, the founder of Lotus Development; Benchmark Capital; Catamount Ventures; and Omidyar Network, owned by eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar. 9 Linden Lab enables users to create their own original creations within Second Life. Users can design and build their own 3D objects using an internal building …
Doron Friedman, Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie Dinur
תאריך פרסום
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Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments
מוציא לאור
The MIT Press
One of the main promises of collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) is that they would decrease the need for travel and face-to-face meetings. In this study we aim at comparing the dynamics and content of group discussions in desktop virtual environments with physical-world discussions. We have conducted an experiment in which four groups of 7–12 participants each carried out a political discussion on the same topic; specifically, global warming. Two groups conducted the experiment in a face-to-face setting and two other groups conducted a similar discussion inside the virtual world SecondLife (http://www.secondlife.com). Virtual-world discussions were found to include shorter sentences on average, have a smaller number of themes discussed, discuss a smaller number of themes in depth, and require a longer time for discussion threads to form. In this paper we provide a quantitative analysis of the …
יובל קרניאל, עמית לביא דינור
תאריך פרסום
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מוציא לאור
המכון לחקר העיתונות והתקשורת היהודית ע” ש אנדראה וצ’רלס ברונפמן, אוניברסיטת תל אביב
מבוא ב-4 בינואר 2006 אושפז ראש ממשלת ישראל, אריאל שרון, עקב אירוע מוחי חמור ושקע בתרדמת. היה זה אחד האירועים הפוליטיים והתקשורתיים המשמעותיים שקרו בישראל בעשור האחרון. שרון היה ראש ממשלה דומיננטי שאך סיים לבצע מהלך מדיני קשה: נסיגה מכל שטחי רצועת עזה ופינוי יישובים ואזרחים יהודים שחיו שם. הוא הקים מפלגה חדשה, קדימה, שהייתה אמורה לנצח ברוב גדול בבחירות וליצור מפה פוליטית חדשה. דמותו הציבורית הייתה איתנה והוא נתפס כמנהיג חזק, סמכותי ובעל יכולת ביצוע גבוהה. ירידתו הפתאומית מהבימה הציבורית השאירה חלל ציבורי ופוליטי עצום שלווה בתחושות של הלם, של עצב ושל אובדן קשה. התקשורת אף היא הגיבה כמי שחוותה טראומה ושבר לאומי עמוק. לאירוע זה קדם אשפוז מוקדם שהיה בדיעבד בעל השפעות פוליטיות, ציבוריות ותקשורתיות., במאמר אנו בוחנים את הסיקור העיתונאי של שני האשפוזים באופן כמותי ואיכותני בעיתונות האיכותית בישראל המיוצגת על ידי עיתון הארץ, וכן בצהובונים הארציים הפופולריים, מעריב וידיעות אחרונות. 2 אנו רואים בפרשת שרון מקרה מבחן לאופן טיפול התקשורת האיכותית והצהובה …
Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Explorations in Media Ecology
מוציא לאור
Rapid technological advances in the field of communications have changed the scope of reasonable expectations of privacy as well as the actual right to privacy. Television, particularly the new genre of reality and talk shows is helping to erode the borders between private and public domains. The Israeli public has proven to be no less vulnerable than the rest of the western world when it comes to trading personal privacy for a chance at fleeting fame on television. Reality shows on Israeli television are encouraging viewers to discard their inhibitions and to display themselves in all their intimate glory in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers on television. Television talk show hosts have abandoned traditional methods of interviewing and instead have
Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Communications law (Haywards Heath)
Pascal 001 Exact sciences and technology/001A Sciences and techniques of general use/001A01 Information science. Documentation/001A01A Library and information science. General aspects/001A01A07 Legal aspects: intellectual property, producer responsability. Ethics
Yuval Karniel
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
J. Int’l Media & Ent. L.
Over the years, the Internet has evolved into an alternate public arena, such as a street or coffee shop, a place where individuals, who until now lacked an appropriate venue to vent their frustrations and discontentment, can freely express themselves to masses of people simulta-
יובל קרניאל, חיים ויסמונסקי
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Bar-Ilan Law Studies/מחקרי משפט
מוציא לאור
Bar Ilan University Press
א. מבוא 1. כללי 2. סדר הדיון 3. פורנוגראפיה וקהילה♦ ב. דין מצוי-פרסומים מיניים במשפט האמריקני: עבירת פרסומי התועבה (Obscenity) כעבירת תלוית קהילה♦ ג. דין מצוי-פרסומים מיניים במשפט הישראלי: עבירת פרסומי התועבה והתלות בקהילה♦ ד. האינטרנט כמכונן קהילה 1. כללי-סדר הדיון 2. הערות מקדימות: על הרגולציה בעולם הווירטואלי 3. מאפיינים קהילתיים במרחב הממוחשב 4. קהילה וירטואלית מול קהילה גיאוגרפית♦ ה. מסקנות הדיון♦ ו. מבט לעתיד-יישום מעשי של סטנדרט קהילתי וירטואלי על פרסומי תועבה במסגרת בית-דין לאינטרנט» ז. סיכום
Yuval Karniel
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Va. JL & Tech.
The article deals with Internet spain-a topic that has caused great concern for nations worldwide. Israel, due to internal and mostly external pressures, such as a recent lawsuit by Microsoft, has been compelled to reach a solution for the infusion and distribution of spam into and from the country via the Internet. The article discusses the various proposals that are currently being considered by the Israeli legislature, the international court case that has propelled the issue to the forefront of Israeli public discourse, and the effectiveness of current legislation in dealing with the issue.
The article also focuses on the issue of whether a tiny country can afford to be” left out in the cold” by ignoring worldwide cyberspace concerns or whether a small country can be compelled to adopt legislation for the benefit of the greater” good” even if it might not have an urgent interest in doing so.
Un pueblo libre en muestra tierra: la democracia y el pluralismo en Israel
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Jerusalém: Centro de Información
Yuval Karniel
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Government Information Quarterly
מוציא לאור
Freedom of expression has long been one of Israel’s most basic tenets. Since the beginning of the “Al Aksa Intifada” in October 2000, many bodies in Israel have attempted to limit this freedom when expressed by Israeli Arab Palestinians on the grounds that such expression is harmful to the public and forms an incitement for terror. The Israeli Supreme Court, despite heavy opposition by the public, was nevertheless able in most instances to uphold and protect this liberty. Despite public outcry, the Court performed a delicate balancing act, balancing Israel’s need to protect itself from its enemies against the basic freedom of expression to which all of its citizens are entitled. The mechanics of this judicial balancing act by a country that is no stranger to war and terrorism can serve as a useful guide for other countries struggling to deal with similar assaults to their democratic way of life.
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Communications law (Haywards Heath)
Pascal 001 Exact sciences and technology/001A Sciences and techniques of general use/001A01 Information science. Documentation/001A01A Library and information science. General aspects/001A01A07 Legal aspects: intellectual property, producer responsability. Ethics
Yuval Karniel, Haim Wismonsky
תאריך פרסום
כתב עת
Rutgers Computer & Tech. LJ
The recent emergence of the Internet has posed new challenges for the legal community. One of the much debated issues among legal scholars is whether the Internet should be regulated by a new independent set of legal principles under the rubric of” Internet” or” cyberspace” law (” cyberlaw”) or whether the Internet is nothing more than another important technological device which can be suitably adapted to existing jurisprudence. According to the former” revolutionary” approach, Internet law is a separate, autonomous field with its own developing independent codes and unique guiding principles which cannot be addressed by traditional legal doctrine. As a result, all acts perpetrated in the virtual world are subject to a new and innovative test.’Cyberspace is thus perceived as occupying another dimension located on its own” planet,” attached to no country and to which most domestic
Yuval Karniel, Amiram Barkat
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Alei Mishpat
Yuval Karniel
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Alei Mishpat
תאריך פרסום
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Children & society
מוציא לאור
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
In 1955 an innovative statute was enacted in Israel regarding children’s testimony in cases of child sexual abuse. In order to save a child victim, witness or suspect from the psychological harm or anguish of examination and cross‐examination in court and interrogation by police, a ‘youth examiner’ was given the task to collect relevant and necessary evidence from the child. If in his professional opinion harm would come to the child by appearing in court, then the examiner’s own account of the evidence became admissible in court. A brief history and administrative description of the position are presented. Survey and anecdotal data, and administrative reporting describe the basic demographic characteristics of the youth examiners. the number of children interviewed, the number of court appearances and the relations with police judges.
Amit Lavie-Dinur, Yuval Karniel
Researchers have argued that advertisers use the public’s values and conventional beliefs in their own interests, which allows us to learn about the dominant values in a society from its advertisements. In this article, we analyze the change in values reflected in Israeli television commercials between 2012 and 2016, and uncover messages that advertisers did not necessarily intend to convey. The analysis of the commercials in this study reveals how advertising has dealt with major changes in Israeli society. On the one hand, television commercials represented Israeli social values that appeared to have the intention of creating a positive feeling in the members of the target audience, such as a sense of home, familiarity, and belonging. In many cases, advertisers based their advertisements on family values, empathy, trust, and a pleasant aesthetic environment. But, at the same time, opposite messages were also being represented. We found that the television commercials emphasized inadequacy, social division, distrust, infidelity, irresponsibility, financial anxiety, and the subversion of child-adult and male-female relations.
Yuval Karniel, Amit Lavie-Dinur, Tal Azran
This writing examines whether or not media coverage is biased by the political attitude of the journalists’ country, specifically illustrated by the recent Palestinian Authority United Nations bid, by President Abbas in 2011 for statehood. This bid outlines a symbolic step toward international recognition of a Palestinian state, an important event in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A quantitative analysis was conducted on 1,577 news reports from American, European, and Middle Eastern outlets to determine the difference in media coverage of the Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations among the channels. The findings suggest that the Israeli channels broadcasted relatively low rates of items in which the declaration itself was the main theme. In regards to international networks, the findings reveal that the BBC broadcasted relatively high rates of items with the ‘UN declaration’as the dominant theme; they too provided balanced coverage of both Israelis and Palestinians. American FOX news channel reflected a pro-Israel bias. The findings also suggest that media outlets may be biased towards specific leaders. This work builds on a growing body of research on media framing of political conflict and the effect of a media outlet’s country’s political context on its coverage.
In recent years, Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE) have become more than mere entertainment for bored youngsters. These environments are the scene of encounters between people who develop conversations and discussions on a variety of topics. These discussions are grounded in norms and rules of conduct which, in part, are determined by the external service provider or the websites operators, and by the participants. Meetings in virtual environments resemble real-life, physical ones but are not identical to them, thus posing interesting questions about this newly emerging culture, the nature and quality of the resulting discussions, the option to set up and manage a community and to formulate agreed norms of conduct among participants. In the physical world, discussion occurs through the encounter between people, which then enables conversation, discussion, an exchange of opinions and, eventually, the consolidation of agreements. Lacking the physical presence of its participants, the virtual environment constitutes a new and different world. We chose to look at the Second Life virtual environment, whose participants go by the name of avatars, and we conducted discussion groups on the subject of global warming. The discussion groups were held both in the real world and in the virtual environment. The latter type of discussion is essentially similar to the one that takes place in Habermas’s (1989)” public sphere,” which is not necessarily physical and in the case of the virtual environment, differences in power and status between the participants, are temporarily suspended. Habermas’s public sphere is considered a good …
Yuval Karniel
Israel’s Freedom of Information Law is relatively new and therefore Israel’s highest court has not been afforded many opportunities to rule on its parameters. A recent
2005 petition to obtain information from the Ministry of Health pursuant to this law provided the Israeli Supreme Court with such an opportunity. Although the intention of this underused law was to encourage transparency by government bodies and free access to information by the public, the ruling on the petition by the Supreme Court has raised concern as to whether this law has been sufficiently internalized so that it can be adequately applied to achieve real significance in Israeli society.
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